The Best Healthy Green Smoothie, Easy

This Green Smoothie is one of my go-to smoothies for breakfast or a healthy snack. If I’m not making my favorite blueberry peanut butter smoothie, I’m definitely making this one.

I used to have such a hard time making smoothies when I was younger and now that I have finally gotten the hang of it, it’s one of my favorite things for breakfast. It takes a bit of trial and error to keep these guys green too.

The Best Green Smoothie

Something I love about smoothies is that they are so easy and quick, with very little clean up. So these are amazing to take with you on your way to work, or to send with your kids to school. And it’s a prefect way to get some extra veggies in because you don’t taste the kale/spinach.

I absolutely love these glasses I got from Homesense, but there are some similar (and VERY trendy) ones here: ripple glasses.


  • 1 banana chopped, frozen or fresh
  • 1 cup yellow fruit, I used mango and peaches for this one
  • 1 cup packed spinach or kale rinsed
  • 1 cup almond or oat milk
  • 1/2 cup full fat greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon hemp hearts
  • 1/2 tablespoon maple syrup for sweetness if needed


  1. Add all of your ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth, I usually let mine go for a couple of minutes on high.
  2. Pour into your favorite glass and enjoy!

Tip: If your smoothie seems too thick just add a little more almond/oat milk to thin it out. Also, if you use any fruit that is red or blue/purple, your smoothie will still taste good, it just won’t be green anymore.

If you try any of my recipes, please take a photo and tag me on Instagram because I would love to see them!

The Best Overnight Oats

This is one of my favorite things to make when I know I am going to have a busy morning the next day. I keep my overnight oats in mason jars so they are quick to grab and go, and if you’re not in a rush, just easy storage.

We all have busy mornings, sometimes more than others, so why not make things a little easier. I like to store these in smaller jars with space in the top for fruit.

Add your oat or almond milk last
Your mixture should look like this
Place your jar in the fridge over night
Overnight oats with fruit
Overnight Oats


  • 2 cups whole oats (I use the quick oats)
  • 1 cup vanilla yogurt (We love the Oikos 25% less sugar)
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup for sweetness (optional)
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond or oat milk
  • 1 splash pure vanilla extract
  • Fresh fruit for topping


  1. Stir all of your ingredients together in a bowl until combined.
  2. Pour into mason jars, I like to use a canning funnel because it makes things easier.
  3. Refrigerate overnight (as least 10 hours) and enjoy your oats in the morning with some fresh fruit.

Tips: This keeps pretty well in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. If you are taking them on the go, leave some empty space in the top if you want to add some fresh fruit.

Craving something different for breakfast? Try some of my other recipes below!

Breakfast Tacos

French Toast with Black Sesame Paste

Breakfast Smoothie

Please follow and tag me on Instagram if you try this recipe, I would love to see it!

Easy and Healthy Smoothie for Breakfast

Let’s be honest. I love a healthy smoothie anytime of day, but this is one one my favorites because it’s a quick and easy breakfast. You can change up the ingredients and adjust it to your liking, and it keeps you full for hours!

Over the last few years I have been experimenting with different smoothie recipes and this one has become my favorite! Because we have all have busy lives, I love that I can throw this together quickly and put it in a reusable to-go cup.

healthy smoothie ingredients for a fast and delicious breakfast

My favorite part of this recipe is that you can add spinach or kale and you wouldn’t even know, so it’s a great way to get some more veggies in. Other great ingredients to make your healthy smoothie even better are listed below and also don’t affect the sweet, fruity flavor! It can also be pretty difficult to get veggies into your kids diet so give this recipe a try with your kiddos.

Healthy smoothie for breakfast


  • 1 ripe banana, frozen or fresh
  • 1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries
  • 1 cube frozen spinach or kale (or 1 cup of fresh spinach/kale packed down)
  • 1 cup almond milk or oat milk (use what you like/have)
  • 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, I use the greek 25% less sugar one but use what you like
  • 1/3 cup 100% peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon hemp hearts (optional)


  1. Put everything in your blender and blend for a minute or two until smooth. If needed, add a little more almond/oat milk for easier blending. Pour onto a tall glass with a reusable straw and enjoy!

Tips: Add pure maple syrup if you need a little sweetness. I usually only add this if I have plain greek yogurt.

The Best French Toast I Ever Made

With Black Sesame Paste and Golden Pillow Danish Bread

French toast is a breakfast and brunch staple and this has to be my favorite version! The nutty flavor of the sesame paste really pairs perfectly with the sweet bread and maple syrup.

Not only does the black sesame paste add a nice twist to your french toast, but it’s full antioxidants and many other benefits! I will link a site below with more information on the benefits of black sesame seeds.

The beautiful fluffy danish bread is great for this recipe, but please feel free to use any other bread you like for your french toast. I really like the little bit of sweetness this bread has since the sesame paste does not have any sweeteners added to it.

Black Sesame Paste and Danish Bread
Serve French Toast with Pure Maple Syrup and Powdered Sugar


  • 1/2 cup milk, we used whole milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 2-3 tablespoons butter
  • 8 slices of bread, we used golden pillow danish bread but you can use whatever bread you like
  • black sesame paste
  • powdered sugar for topping
  • pure maple syrup


  • In a shallow dish (wide enough for dipping your bread), add your milk, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, salt and whisk until combined
  • Place a tablespoon of butter in a pan on medium-low heat and melt
  • If you are cutting your own bread, cut in about 1/2 inch sections, you don’t want it to be too thick. Then dip both sides in the egg mixture and place in your pan. Cook until golden on both sides, adding more butter if needed.
  • Spread a thin layer of sesame paste on one piece of your french toast and sandwich with another, cut diagonally and top with powdered sugar and maple syrup. Serve and enjoy!

Tip: The black sesame paste gets separated so give it a good stir before spreading on your french toast.

Below is a link with more information about the benefits of black sesame seeds.

My absolute favorite vanilla to use for baking: Pure Vanilla Extract

The camera we use: Fujifilm Camera Fujifilm Camera with Lens

The Best Breakfast Tacos with Homemade Hot Sauce

Breakfast is one of my favorite meals to cook. I love getting up on the weekends and having coffee, and a delicious meal with my husband. It’s just a great way to start your day and for me, cooking is really therapeutic.

When we have any leftover tortillas we make some sort of breakfast tacos, and for us we can never have enough hot sauce!

You can use any type of hot sauce you like, maybe try experimenting with different ones if that is what you are into. But our absolute favorite to use is homemade. We originally found the recipe in one of our cookbooks but we love this adaptation linked below even more.

If you try these please let me know what you think or tag me in your photos on instagram!

Everything you need prepped and ready to go
So spicy and so good!


  • 4 flour tortillas (we love the Don Pancho street taco style tortillas)
  • 1/2 an avocado
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 3 large eggs scrambled
  • 3-4 slices of bacon cooked and diced (diced makes it easier to eat on the tacos)
  • 1/3 cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated finely
  • 1/3 cup cherry tomatoes, diced
  • fresh cilantro and hot sauce for topping
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Cook your bacon first and set aside. Then melt your butter in a nonstick pan, add in your eggs after you have whisked them and stir with a rubber spatula on medium low until cooked. Please don’t add your salt/pepper until the end, we don’t want any dry eggs!
  • Now assemble your tacos, the toppings listed are what we enjoy but you can use what ever you like! For me, that homemade hot sauce is what makes the recipe so good.

The Cook Book: Tacolicious

The Chilis you will need: Guajillo Chiles Arbol Chiles

I couldn’t fine the exact cutting board we have but here are a few great options: Cutting Board 1 Cutting Board 2 Cutting Board 3

Protect your wooden cutting board with some block oil, we love this one: Butcher Block Oil

These GreenPan skillets are amazing and so easy to clean: Non-Stick Pans

The camera we use: Fujifilm Camera Fujifilm Camera with Lens